Why Private Market | Altive
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What are alternative or private market investments?

Alternative investment is an investment in asset classes other than public stocks, bonds, and cash. Private market investment is one of the most common types of alternatives.

Why private market?

Private market solutions are gaining traction amongst investors in recent years as they can be powerful tools in helping investors achieve growth, reduce volatility, and provide portfolio diversification.

It encompasses a wide range of assets and strategies including infrastructure, real estate and private equity, pre-IPO. Private market investment is traditionally accessible only to big-ticket institutional investors due to extremely high ticket size. Platforms like Altive breaks the hurdle to US$10,000.

Traditional V.S. Alternative

Asset Classes



Volatility and Return

Traditional Investment

Equities, bonds & cash in public market

High liquidity profile

High correlation to markets

Higher volatility

Alternative Investment

Private equity, private credit, private REITS and others

Liquidity depends on product asset classes

Low correlation to markets

Lower volatility with higher potential returns

Traditional Investment

Alternative Investment

Asset Classes

Equities, bonds & cash in public market

Private equity, private credit, private REITS and others


High liquidity profile

Liquidity depends on product asset classes


High correlation to markets

Low correlation to markets

Volatility and Return

Higher volatility

Lower volatility with higher potential returns

Enormous size of the private market previously ignored by retail investors

Private equity net asset value growth outpaced total market cap of listed companies by more than 8 times since 2000. By diversifying into the private market, investors can access one of the fastest-growing asset classes.

*Source: Based on World Bank and Preqin data, as cited in McKinsey & Company’s “Global Private Markets Review 2020.”

Returns captured during pre-IPO far outweighed post-IPO

An example of private market investment offered by Altive is late-stage pre-IPO investment. The graph indicated that more value was captured before a company went IPO*.

*Source: Crunchbase as of Oct 2021

Altive is a first-class alternative investment platform. Altive sources, screens, manages and unlocks institutional quality alternative investment opportunities for professional investors.
@2025 Altive Limited. All rights reserved.
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